
College of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Policies & Procedures (CGPS)

The CGPS is mandated by its faculty and stakeholders to implement and provide oversight on the management of graduate programming and the graduate student life-cycle process.

Consuming and smoking cannabis is prohibited at USask

Consuming cannabis is prohibited in all university buildings, including residence, and, according to provincial legislation, Cannabis consumption is not permitted in any public place.

Growing cannabis is prohibited at USask

Cannabis plants are not permitted to be grown on university grounds or buildings, with the exception of approved research projects.

Avoid coming to campus impaired

It is your responsibility when taking lawful substances that is prescribed by an attending/treating medical professional to review their duties with the medical professional to confirm that the use of the lawful substance will not impair the safe and efficient performance of your assignments or otherwise cause you to not to be fit to enter a r

In certain circumstances, including but not limited to the health professions, employee’s may be subject to licensing and/or regulatory standards of their profession that place additional restrictions on the consumption of lawful substances causing impairment or endangering individual and/or patient safety.

Cannabis for medical purposes

The university has a duty to accommodate.  

The duty to accommodate means the duty to make adjustments to conditions of employment where employees have a disability that requires accommodation up to a point of undue hardship.  The duty to accommodate applies to those requiring cannabis for medical purposes, or for those employees with a substance use disorder.

Please follow the medical accommodations process for these situations, or contact Wellness Resources directly.


Common Forms