For Graduate Faculty

Our reputation lies in our strong commitment to provide world-class research opportunities characterized by learning environments that foster innovation, creativity and collaboration. Fundamental to our mission of supporting excellence in graduate education is the recognition that respectful and productive relationships between the student and supervisor is critical to the student’s academic success.

We encourage you to use the following resources as mentors, leaders and administrators of USask's graduate programming.

Professional Skills

In collaboration with the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, CGPS has developed a variety of professional skills modules designed to support graduate faculty in equipping graduate students with professional skills to leverage their degrees within and beyond academia. The modules and resources are:

  • Built for use by the instructor, so that they are adaptable across programs.
  • Intended to support students to leverage their degrees within and beyond academia.
  • Structured with choices for how the student might learn and demonstrate professional skills.
  • Structured so students can self-assess their competence based on peer and instructor feedback.

Visit CGPS' PAWS channel (must be signed in to PAWS using your NSID and password) to download and incorporate professional skills content.



Facts & Figures

Graduate Enrolment Report

The CGPS enrolment report was compiled to share statistics on the many aspects of graduate programming at USask and intended to become part of the annual reporting by CGPS. The intent behind this report is not to enable comparisons amongst and between programs. Rather, we hope this document will assist us in knowing ourselves better, generating questions, and fostering conversations about graduate programming and graduate students at USask. As such, feedback on the content of this report and suggestions for future reports are welcome and encouraged. We want the report to be of use to all members of the graduate studies community on campus.

2020-21 Academic Year Enrolment Report

2021-22 Graduate Student & Postdoc Scholar Report

2022-23 Graduate Student & Postdoc Scholar Report

Student Supervisor Agreement

All new students enrolled in thesis-based programs are required to complete a Student-Supervisor Agreement in partnership with their supervisor. The agreement must be filled out within the first twelve months of the students’ program and will be treated as a non-course requirement. 

The Supervisor(s)-Student relationship involves mentoring, support, career development, as well as academic oversight. The Supervisor(s) and Student should work together to arrive at jointly acceptable terms to establish their relationship.

The Student Supervisor Agreement is designed to provide a framework for discussion between the Supervisor(s) and the Graduate Student and to establish guidelines to govern their relationship. It may be revisited at any stage of the Student’s graduate program to accommodate for changes in the Student-Supervisor(s) relationship and/or the research project.

  • The completed form is to be regarded as an aid to planning and finishing the thesis project. It is not a legal document.
  • The Supervisor and the Student are free to add items to the form to tailor it to their joint purposes.
  • The Supervisor(s) is/are responsible for supervising the Student’s graduate program. The Supervisor(s) is/are the Student’s primary contact(s) at the University of Saskatchewan and should be familiar with the general policies and regulations of the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as well as the specific supplementary regulations of their academic unit. This form does not replace official University of Saskatchewan statements of policy and procedure.
  • If the Student or Supervisor(s) have any questions or concerns regarding their graduate program or this form, advice may be sought from the program graduate chair, unit head, or the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
  • Ideally, this document should be completed prior to the commencement of any research and no later than the submission of the first Progress Report for the Student.  

For Graduate Administrators

Graduate Administrators perform several essential graduate program functions: collecting and preparing information, scheduling meetings, examinations, and workshops and coordinating advisory committees, corresponding with prospective applicants, receiving application documentation, and so much more.

This handbook was created as supplemental information for Grad Admins and is reviewed annually.