Research tools and tips
Depending on your program, you will either be required to conduct solely secondary research or be required to do a research design. When conducting secondary research, make sure to take advantage of the university resources available to you.
2) Become familiar with the University’s resources for your discipline
The library has created unique research guides for each discipline. Research guides provide instructions on the best database for your discipline, citation instructions, writing help, and other information.
3) Setup a meeting with your subject area librarian
Subject specialist librarians are available to consult and support your research. They can answer questions, guide your search strategy, and assist with a plethora of other research activities. Connect with your subject librarian and ask them how they may be able to help your research.
4) Formulating Your Search Strategy
When deciding on your thesis or dissertation topic, it's important to become familiar with past research in the area. An efficient way to engage with relevant literature is by developing a research strategy. The library has created a guide you can access on how to develop a search strategy.