Chaired by the Dean, CGPS the 104 member council includes representation of graduate programming and postdoctoral training from across the academy. Members include:
- Graduate Chairs from every department offering a graduate program
- Associate Deans representing graduate studies in every college/school
- Elected GSA and SPS representatives
- Student representatives from the graduate student body at large
- Elected council members
- Delegates of the OVPR, Library, OVPIE
- Chairs from each of CGPS Council's standing committees
- Non-voting staff members
CGPS Graduate Faculty Council typically meets monthly during the academic year except in February. The Chair can call a meeting during a month when a meeting is not normally scheduled. Meetings are open to all and will typically be from 3-4:30 pm. Outlook calendar invites are sent to all members.
Standing Committees
Chair: Dr. Debby Burshtyn
Responsible for coordinating activities of the standing committees of the council and provides advice to CGPS leadership on strategic areas aligned to institutional priorities.
Chair: Dr. Laureen McIntyre
Primarily responsible for developing and preparing the annual slate of committee membership.
Chair: Dr. Geraldine Balzer
Responsible for policy and procedure development for centrally funded graduate awards and leads adjudication processes.
Academic Affairs
Chair: Dr. Debby Burshtyn
Review and develop policy changes relevant to graduate studies and act on arising academic grievances by individual students or departments.
Graduate Programs
Chair: Dr. Mark Eramian
Facilitates and supports the development, change management and approvals for graduate programs and courses from across the academy.
Postdoc Advisory
Chair: Dr. Paul Jones
Strategically plans and advises on policy development provides oversight for monitoring career development and conflict resolution, and assists in advocating for the enhancement of funding opportunities for USask’s postdoctoral scholars.
Chair: Dr. Steven Rayan
Responsible for CGPS’ individualized interdisciplinary studies graduate program and works to promote and foster interdisciplinarity across campus.